I had no intention of knitting this year...not at all! Toooo busy.
But then the sweet face of my nanny child asked me to teach her. How do you say no to that?!
Ministry school.
Music performances.
Christmas album.
Stained glass creations.
Organizing and renovating glass studio.
French class (oh yeah, that's new too)
Still...the little ladies and I wandered into the fabulous Bangor treasure known as One Lupine Fiber Arts! I found this GORGEOUS skein of yarn!! Hand dyed!! Oh, and in
the most beautiful blues and neutrals!!
It was love at first sight! Instantly I could see it as a sweater.
I've never made a sweater.
And yet a sweater was SCREAMING AT ME to be created.....yes, screaming...you weren't there...you don't know! (FRIENDS ref.)
Soooo....commencement of sweater creation...in all my spare time.
If you come over and my house is messy.....ignore it and ask how the sweater is coming along.
And maybe offer to do the dishes. Thank ya much!

You see what happen was... Finished!

As my trip to New Mexico comes to a close...I finished my very first sweater...a birthday gift for my friend Salome... but I must have miscounted during all the adventures while I've been here...and made the neck hole too small!!! soooo...gonna rework that I guess
... and ship it instead!
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